DataAnalysis from Data Evaluation Systems


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DataAnalysis is a general purpose iPad App for the plotting and analysis of all types of data that can be formulated as x,y pairs. The program can be used easily by both students and professionals. It is particularly useful for quick analysis of various types of data by curve fitting, analysis of data via a standard curve, and analysis of various types of kinetic data including enzyme kinetics.

Data can be entered directly via the keyboard or imported from the Mail App as a text file (.txt), a comma separated value file (.csv) and a gzipped csv file (.csv.gz). In addition, data can be imported via drag and drop within iTunes. Data files in txt, csv, csv.gz and native formats can be imported directly from DropBox.

After data entry the user has the option to average, baseline correct, and/or normalize the data before plotting and fitting.

Plotting of the data is as simple as pressing the Plot button. The axes are autoscaled and the graph is immediately ready to add to a document or presentation. The user has a variety of options to customize the graph by altering the axes, axes labels, graph title, and changing the symbol, its size and color.

The data can be fit to a variety of math equations by non-linear regression including simple functions such as linear, 2nd and 3th degree polynomials, power, exponential, and log functions. Data can also be fit to more complex equations for such processes as radioactive decay, enzyme kinetics, 1st and 2nd order chemical reactions, etc. The fit can be overlaid on the data with different line widths, types and thicknesses.

For many analytical situations, the data fit can be used as a standard curve to determine the value of unknowns. This analytical procedure is completely automated within DataAnalysis.

The program output, graphics and text, can be emailed, or uploaded to Dropbox in a variety of formats including PDF, PNG and TXT. The graphics in PDF format can be edited with programs like Adobe Illustrator™ as objects.

DataAnalysis also supports multitasking and printing of input data as well as all forms of output.