Gas Flow Meters / Gas Flow Monitor

A gas flow meter, also known as a gas flow monitor, is a tool that measures gas flow by volume or mass. Used for measuring gas flow in natural gas pipelines, compressed air lines, and manufacturer's gas lines, gas flow monitors can be found in a myriad of industries. There are several types of gas flow meters, including optical, which uses light beams to measure how fast particles in the gas are moving, pressure, which measures the difference in the gas pressure before and during a flow constriction to measure flow rate, and mechanical, in which the flow pushes on part of the meter and the movement of the meter is used to calculate flow rate. When choosing a gas flow monitor, it is essential to know exactly what it will be used for before it is purchased. Whether you need mass of flow rate measured or volume, continuous flow rate or totalized flow rate, what the minimum and maximum flow rates and temperature will be, and if exact accuracy is necessary or if reliable, repeatable measurements are enough are all things to consider.

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