Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (UHPLC)

Ultra high-performance liquid chromatography, UHPLC, uses columns packed with porous sub-2-µm particles (usually 1.8 µm) to vastly increase throughput and resolving power compared to conventional 5-µm columns. Pressures can surpass 19,000 psi. Limited solvent consumption, the ability to work under a broader pressure range, and lower band broadening are further enhancements. UHPLC’s 10× reduction in analysis time strengthens its popularity in areas including the pharmaceutical industry, food safety, and the clinical field. The choice of detectors for use with UHPLC is wide-ranging, including UV-VIS, fluorescence, photodiode array, ELSD, quadrupole, and most recently, refractive index. For flexibility, many instruments offer the ability to run both conventional and UHPLC on one instrument. A final tip: When making the switch from HPLC to UHPLC, resist the temptation to overload the smaller columns.

Discover and compare Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatographs:

ItemNexera UHPLC Method Scouting
Catalog NumberNexera Method Scouting
DescriptionMethod scouting is a process where different mobile phases and column stationary phases are evaluated to determine the best set of separation conditions for a particular sample. Manual solvent preparation, column switching, and method programming are time-consuming steps, so the Nexera method ... Read More
Flow RateInquire
Max. Pressure100 Mpa
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