
Polarimeters A polarimeter is a scientific device that measures the direction and extent of polarization light through an optically active substance. Since many chemical substances, including major pharmaceutical agents, are optically active, polarized light will rotate either clockwise or counter-clockwise when passed through them. The amount that the light is rotated is known as the observed angle or angle of rotation.

Polarimetry is a well-established technique and with today’s widely available digital and automatic instrumentation, users have more options and benefits than before in terms of data capture, temperature control, and variable wavelength. Polarimeters can be used for process and quality control, and research in industries such as food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic.

Things to consider when purchasing a polarimeter include:

  • Measurement Range and Accuracy
  • Illumination Method
  • Measurement Response Time
  • Sample Tube Lengths, Material Composition
  • Software
  • Discover and compare polarimeters from various manufacturers:

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