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Earn up to $580* for Sharing Your Opinion!

Labcompare’s product reviews provide firsthand opinions on the products used in the lab and help scientists make better product decisions. Support our growing community by sharing your experience with other scientists and lab professionals. By writing a review, you will help other scientists save time and resources searching for the right products to use. For each eligible published review, you will receive an Amazon gift card!

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"Labcompare is a valuable source for everybody who is looking for lab products' reviews. The reviews and the pictures are very helpful. And I'm glad I can also help by sharing my experience."

Paula Pereira, Lab Manager | Boston University
How It Works:

1) Get Ready to Review: Gather the information you’ll need to complete a product review.

  • Helpful notes or tips on how to best use the product
  • Unique image of the product or the experimental results
  • Star rating for overall, performance, and ease of use

2) Review is Validated: All reviews submitted to Labcompare are evaluated to ensure their authenticity and validity before publication.

3) Review is Published: Once validated, reviews are published to aid our community in finding the products they need for their laboratories.

4) Claim Your Gift Card*: After publication, eligible reviewers will receive an Amazon gift card:

  • Earn a $5 gift card for each eligible lab consumable or chemical review
  • Earn a $20 gift card for each laboratory instrument or equipment review
Reviewer Guidelines:
  • Labcompare’s validated reviews ensure each reviewer and product review submission will be verified for authenticity before publishing.
  • Read through our Product Review Best Practices which describes ten valuable pointers for writing reviews.
  • We encourage sharing experimental results or conditions used in your experiment. Including results in a Labcompare review does not impact scientific journal submissions.
  • Content and images included in the reviews must be unique. Copied or reused material will not be accepted.
  • Certain products are not eligible for review, including, but not limited to: discontinued products and antibodies. Eligibility is ultimately determined by Labcompare.
  • By submitting a review, you agree to Labcompare’s Privacy Policy.

"Labcompare/Biocompare is a useful resource especially when it comes to antibodies. Personally, I have found a lot of useful information on products that have helped me decide what to purchase depending on the constraints of my experiment/sample. In this regard, I also believe resource and knowledge sharing is an integral part of advancing scientific research"

Amrita Iyer, Graduate student | Baylor College of Medicine

"Labcompare provides a platform to share your insights for the products and instruments at the scientific level. This is very unique and useful to the scientific community to improve the work environment and knowledge at a large scale. This is an awesome resource to exchange information and make the best decisions for your lab and experiments."

Neha Mittal, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics | University of North Carolina at Charlotte

"Product reviews provided by Labcompare have been a fantastic resource for learning more about the applications of equipment and reagents directly from the researchers who use them. These first-hand accounts can help to identify how best to fill an equipment need in the lab or what product would be the right choice for collecting data. I recommend that all life science researchers use and contribute to this platform.."

Vincent Giacalone, Graduate student, Immunology & Molecular Pathogenesis | Emory University
  • Country-specific gift cards per address submitted: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France. If submitted from a country not on this list, you’ll receive a United States Amazon gift card.
  • All reviews must be unique to Labcompare to be eligible for gift card payment; any reviews that have been published on other websites will not be accepted.
  • Up to $580 USD total payable in gift cards per year can be issued per reviewer across Comparenetworks sites.