Particle Size Measurement / Particle Sizing Systems

Particle Size Measurement / Particle Sizing Systems

What are particle size analyzers used for?

Particle size analyzerParticle size analysis is used across many areas of science, most notably materials testing, life sciences, food testing, and pharmaceuticals. Particle size analyzers are used to measure the size of everything from cells, to powders used to make foods and pharmaceutical preparations, to nano materials. There are several ways to measure particles size based on the size range and type of particle of interest.

How do I choose a particle size analyzer?

The first step in choosing a particle size analyzers is to have a thorough understanding of the particles that are being measured, and then match the size range (nanometer to millimeter) and type of particles (material, suspension, cellular) to an instrument that is designed to measure this size and type of particle.

Two of the main types of particle size analyzers dynamic light scattering and laser particle analyzers. Dynamic light scattering analyzers measure particles in solutions in the 0.6 nm to 6 um range. Laser diffraction analyzers are used for particles in a material within the range of 10 nm to 3 mm. Nano particle size analyzers are used to evaluate particles in the nanometer range and often include a measurement of zeta potential, or electrostatic attraction or repulsion between particles.

Coulter particle analyzers are commonly used for counting bacteria and cells suspended in electrolyte. Coulter counters measure cell size by detecting and measuring changes in electrical resistance.

Click on the links below to discover and compare particle size analyzers from various manufacturers:

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