THC Inflation and Lab Shopping: Strategies for Cannabis Labs and Regulators


A schematic representation of various ways to curb THC inflation and lab shopping. Credit: CloudLIMS

by Arun Apte, CEO,

The unstoppable surge of the regulated cannabis industry in the United States has been nothing short of phenomenal. With the legalization of cannabis in different states, this budding industry is expected to bloom and reach a staggering $82.3 billion by 2027. One of the key drivers of this explosive growth is the gradual but undeniable shift towards the acceptance and legalization of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational use. As of April 24, 2023, medical cannabis has been granted legal recognition in 38 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia. Additionally, laws allowing the recreational use of cannabis have been passed in 22 states.  This trend is set to continue, as more states recognize the potential benefits of legalizing cannabis, such as generating more tax revenue, creating job opportunities, and providing medical relief.

The legalization of cannabis has also spurred innovation in the industry, leading to new research and development, and a plethora of new cannabis products such as edibles, oils, and tinctures in the market. The demand for these products is driving the industry's growth, creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. From cannabis growers to processors, testing laboratories, and distributors, the industry is witnessing a flurry of new enterprises providing legal, financial, and consulting services.

However, with success comes challenges. One such obstacle is THC inflation, which gained attention in 2022. This problem has led to widespread laboratory shopping as growers strive to produce and sell products with the highest levels of THC. The industry must address this to maintain its momentum and ensure responsible and sustainable growth.

A Self-Perpetuating Cycle

Many consumers erroneously believe that products with high THC levels always result in stronger effects. This is not always true as THC levels alone cannot determine the potency of a cannabis product. This misconception has fueled a demand for high-THC products, prompting some consumers to pay a premium for these products. Consequently, dishonest labs that inflate THC levels have proliferated, while honest ones are losing business. This deceitful practice erodes consumer confidence and undermines the credibility of the cannabis industry. If labs continue to play accomplice and condone the labeling of falsely potent products, consumers may lose faith in the regulated market, and their health may be jeopardized.

The practice of THC inflation is a deceptive tactic employed by producers to misrepresent the true THC levels in their cannabis products. This dubious strategy involves artificially inflating the THC levels in a sample to create the illusion of a higher THC concentration. It has led to the emergence of lab shopping, where unscrupulous producers search for labs that will artificially inflate THC levels to increase the perceived value of their products. Sadly, the market has become so saturated with such labs that some openly advertise their services based on high THC levels, as shown on the Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) they provide.

The Looming Crisis

The absence of uniform testing protocols in the cannabis industry has become a matter of growing apprehension, as it contributes to the rising issue of THC potency inflation. With labs using varying methodologies and equipment, the test results produced can be inconsistent. In the hands of unscrupulous labs, these loopholes become a tool to report exaggerated THC levels. And as if those weren't enough, the existence of manual intervention allows these dishonest labs to manipulate results and deceive regulatory agencies. To combat this insidious trend, the establishment of an industry-wide standard for testing is imperative. Furthermore, multiple labs should participate in proficiency testing to identify any discrepancies, and states must act swiftly to penalize labs that report inflated THC values.

The crucial need of the hour is also to establish transparency among labs to address the rising concerns about THC potency inflation. By conducting regular audits, state regulatory bodies can identify and eliminate inconsistencies and inaccuracies in data. To achieve this, state agencies must recruit skilled data scientists who can rigorously scrutinize the data generated by labs. A concerted effort by the industry to address these issues will boost consumer confidence in the regulated market. By eradicating the incentives driving THC potency inflation, we can build a more trustworthy and reliable cannabis industry.

Furthermore, it is essential to educate consumers about the misconceptions surrounding high THC levels and potency. The belief that higher THC levels equate to stronger effects is not necessarily accurate. By promoting effective communication and awareness, we can tackle the problem of THC potency and combat lab shopping.

Lastly, laboratories must obtain accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 to demonstrate their competency in generating reliable results. This will help rebuild customer confidence in the regulated cannabis industry and provide a more robust framework for quality assurance.

What is the Role of Cannabis Lab Testing Software?

The adoption of a cannabis lab testing software, also known as Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), can digitally transform laboratory processes, minimizing the potential for human error in test results by integrating analytical instruments and ensuring strict adherence to quality standards. Cannabis lab testing software can help meet ISO 17025 requirements with ease. A LIMS that's specifically designed for cannabis testing labs ensures the authenticity and reliability of laboratory data, leaving no room for manual manipulation. It meticulously tracks and records every laboratory activity, from staff login activities to changes in documents, sample records, and test results. But the benefits of a LIMS don't end there. With a LIMS, reports can be generated with a scannable QR code that can be easily shared with customers in real-time through a secure client portal, leading to greater transparency and instilling trust and confidence in the products customers consume. This is especially important for an industry like cannabis where customers are fast losing trust.


The rapid growth of the regulated cannabis industry in the United States is undeniable, fueled by the legalization of cannabis in different states. With this growth comes the challenge of maintaining responsible and sustainable practices, particularly in the face of THC inflation and lab shopping. These dishonest practices erode consumer confidence and undermine the credibility of the industry. To address this issue, the industry must establish a uniform testing protocol and promote transparency among labs. State agencies must also take swift action to penalize labs that report inflated THC values. Furthermore, it is essential to educate consumers about the misconceptions surrounding high THC levels and potency. The adoption of cannabis lab testing software can help minimize the potential for human error and ensure the authenticity and reliability of laboratory data.

The cannabis industry, with its potential for medical breakthroughs and economic benefits, can flourish if only proper safeguards are put into place. This flourishing industry has the power to provide vital relief to patients in need, create new job opportunities, and generate revenue for the government.

About the author
Arun Apte is a serial entrepreneur and laboratory research scientist specializing in bioinformatics. He founded CloudLIMS in 2014 bringing the benefits of a SaaS LIMS to the cannabis testing laboratory market. This has enabled hundreds of cannabis testing and extraction laboratories to manage data, automate testing workflows, and follow regulatory compliance, such as ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Arun is an invited speaker at cannabis conferences all over the world. Prior to founding CloudLIMS, he founded PREMIER Biosoft forging strategic partnerships with Thermo, Agilent, SCIEX, and other mass spectrometry instrument companies. Arun Apte holds a B.A. in molecular and cell biology and biophysics from the University of California at Berkeley. He has published extensively on bioinformatics.


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