Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry uses molecular weight measurement to provide invaluable information on a molecule’s mass, structure, and chemical properties. MS can identify unknown materials and quantify known compounds. Mass spectrometry systems are often integrated with other separation techniques, including GC, LC, and UHPLC.

How Does Mass Spectrometry Work?

Basic mass spectrometry configurations share a common theme: Sample molecules are introduced into the sample inlet and an ion source converts the molecules to ions, or charges them. Common ionization techniques include electron and chemical ionization for gases and vapors, ESI and MALDI for liquids and solids, and ICP for cation analysis.

Next in line is the mass analyzer, which separates the ions according to their m/z. Mass analyzer types include quadrupole, ion trap, time of flight, and quad TOF. An ion detector such as an electron multiplier produces the final mass spectrum.

What is Mass Spectrometry Used For?

A few applications of this powerful analytical technique:
  • Determining protein structure in proteomics and drug structure in drug discovery
  • Detecting drugs of abuse in clinical testing
  • Identifying water or food contamination in environmental testing.