Applied Biosystems GlobalFiler, GlobalFiler IQC, and GlobalFiler Express PCR Amplification Kits from Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Applied Biosystems GlobalFiler, GlobalFiler IQC, and GlobalFiler Express PCR Amplification Kits


Around the world, Forensic DNA labs are being asked to do more with less. This is why the Applied Biosystems GlobalFiler IQC, GlobalFiler, and GlobalFiler Express PCR combine reduced amplification time with exceptional discrimination power, even on the most challenging sample types for Human Identification.

As global forensic DNA databases rapidly expand, so does the need for more discriminating STR multiplexes that can maximize loci overlap. That’s why GlobalFiler kits incorporate the most commonly used loci—all in a single multiplex, 6-dye configuration kit. GlobalFiler kits contain all markers recommended for inclusion by the CODIS Core Loci Working Group and those markers commonly used in Europe. The multiplex selection of markers reduces the risk of adventitious matches while enabling more effective cross-border data sharing. And the kits are backed by training, service, and support from Thermo Fisher Scientific.