5800 ICP-OES Instrument from Agilent Technologies


The Agilent 5800 ICP-OES is an ICP-OES Instrument designed for busy labs looking to reclaim wasted time. This smart ICP, with its ecosystem of embedded sensors, algorithms and diagnostics can identify problems before they happen, maximizing uptime and minimizing the number of samples you need to remeasure.

No other inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) can give you this level of insight into both your samples and instrument health, so let the 5800 ICP-OES, with the powerful ICP Expert software, help you to get the right result, first time, every time.

  • Learn more about your samples using Agilent's unique IntelliQuant feature. Capturing data from the entire wavelength range, IntelliQuant identifies spectral interferences and provides recommendations to ensure you get the right answers every time
  • Track your instrument health the smart way reducing downtime and maintenance costs with sensors and counters that guide the user when maintenance is needed
  • Prevent wasted time and the cost of troubleshooting with the Neb Alert feature that continuously monitors the nebulizer, alerting you when the nebulizer needs cleaning or is leaking
  • ICP Expert includes data analytics and smart algorithms that help take the guesswork out of method development and automate troubleshooting, including Fitted Background Correction (FBC), Fast Automated Curve-fitting Technique (FACT), Inter Element Correction (IEC), and IntelliQuant
  • Reduce cleaning downtime and ensure fewer replacement torches with the vertically oriented torch design
  • As the smallest ICP-OES instrument available, the 5800 not only saves valuable bench space, but reduces costs of ownership as well. The optical layout is compact, so is quick to purge, reducing the wait time before samples can be measured