nano3DX – High-Resolution microCT from Rigaku Americas Corporation

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nano3DX – High-Resolution microCT


Rigaku nano3DX is a true submicron resolution microCT scanner (micro computed tomography). The parallel beam geometry combined with an ultra-bright 1200 W rotating anode X-ray source enhances the contrast of low-density materials, which are normally difficult to image using high-energy X-ray sources.

This parallel beam geometry in combination with an optical lens produces high-resolution 3D images. Furthermore, it avoids blurring which is commonly encountered using X-ray beam divergent imaging techniques.

The X-ray anode can be selected from Cr (5.4 keV), Cu (8 keV), or Mo (17 keV). These anode materials generate low-energy and pseudo-monochromatic radiation to maximize the X-ray CT image contrast. The anode material can be selected with the click of a button depending on the sample material and size. With the highest magnification lens, the nano3DX can achieve 325 nm voxel resolution and true submicron (700 nm) spatial resolution, with no sample preparation.

Key features
  • Parallel beam geometry for true submicron resolution
  • Selectable pseudo-monochromatic X-ray radiations
  • Ultra-bright 1200 W X-ray source and sCMOS for shorter scan time – as short as 30sec