Affordable System for Many Common Assays

Charlotte University
Graduate Student



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Product Name:

Synergy LX Multi-Mode Reader

Catalog Number:

Synergy LX

The LX multimode reader is a machine which can be useful for running multiple assays without manual handling as it can be fast because of its automation properties. The reader is cost-effective, handy and I mainly use this in the lab for performing many assays like quantifying nucleic acids and proteins which are found to be useful for the detection of specific genes or amino acids. We use it as a versatile station with an attached desktop, and we generally take out the output easily using any type of hard drive. You can also print the results. The machine programs are very simple so it saves a lot of time while operating on multiple plates simultaneously. It can be a useful machine for any assay performing lab(s).

Application :

Quantification of many common assays

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