Auto-Trim Accessory from TA Instruments

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TA Instruments for
Auto-Trim Accessory


The auto-trim accessory for the DHR simplifies polymer melt rheology by automating the sample heating and trimming process. Instead of opening the furnace to manually trim samples during tests, users can simply attach the accessory, load their sample, and hit start to run the experiment to completion. TA’s proprietary technology automatically conditions the sample, adjusts the gap, and trims the sample at the appropriate time during the test without any operator intervention. As a result, operator walk-away time is increased by 80%, new user training is reduced from 2 weeks down to 30 minutes, and adverse operator influence on the results is greatly reduced. By saving valuable operator time without sacrificing data consistency, the auto-trim accessory provides return on investment in less than 2 years. The auto-trim accessory empowers your lab to run more tests with confidence, accelerating product development and time to market.

What will you accomplish with 80% more operator free time?

Features and Benefits
  • Increases operator walk-away time by 80%, requiring less than two minutes of operator time per test with fully-programmed test methods.
  • Excellent data consistency through automatic removal of excess material – Better data consistency than manual trimming, even when comparing data from an expert rheologist with results from multiple operators with limited experience
  • Training time reduced from 2 weeks to under 30 minutes via plug and play accessories, while still achieving high quality data
  • Realize the benefits of automation while maintaining the versatility to perform Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), extensional viscosity, and other rheological measurements thanks to SmartSwap technology.
  • Eliminates the need to open the chamber during a test, preventing temperature fluctuations on the sample and maintaining the inert environment
  • Suitable for testing pellets, disks, and flakes with no modification necessary
  • Confirm pre-test process and trim quality with automatic before and after trimming photos from the optional ETC camera