GE Healthcare Launches Next Generation Genomiphi™ Whole Genome Amplification Kits in Room Temperature Stable Ready-to-go™ Format

Easy to use, high yield kits for whole genome amplification which can be stored at the bench

25 July 2012 : GE Healthcare’s new illustra™ Ready-To-Go™ GenomiPhi™ kits provide researchers with a pre-dispensed, room temperature stable formulation for whole genome amplification, enabling a simplified workflow for obtaining large amounts of high quality DNA from small genomic DNA samples. The new kits also deliver improved yields over the current GenomiPhi kits.

GE Healthcare is the leader in DNA amplification based on the unique Phi29 DNA polymerase, employing the enzyme’s exceptional fidelity and processivity to prepare DNA for sequencing and genomic applications using the smallest of samples. Previous GenomiPhi kits contain liquid enzyme formulations that require storage at -80°C degrees. The new kits incorporate GE Healthcare’s proprietary Ready-To-Go stabilisation technology which delivers single-dose reaction mixes in a solid format that can be stored for months at the bench without the need for refrigeration.

The new illustra Ready-To-Go GenomiPhi kits are available in two formats; Ready-To-Go GenomiPhi V3 improves upon the current GenomiPhi V2 kit with more than double the previous DNA yield, whilst Ready-To-Go GenomiPhi HY is specifically developed for high yield requirements, achieving 40 to 60 µg DNA yield from just 10 ng of starting DNA. Both kits are available in convenient 8-well strips or in 96-well plate formats.

illustra Ready-To-Go GenomiPhi kits can be used to amplify DNA from blood lysates and dried blood spots. A protocol has been developed for amplification from Whatman™ FTA card punches with minimal handling, thus enabling a streamlined, efficient workflow for sample collection and analysis.

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