HPLC Pump / Solvent Delivery System

When delivering smaller particles through the liquid mobile phase of a HPLC unit, the liquid must be forced through the column under pressure. The purpose of an HPLC pump, also called a solvent delivery system, is to force the liquid through the system while maintaining a specific flow rate. HPLC pumps can be broadly categorized into three types: syringe pumps that provide pulseless delivery, reciprocating or piston pumps that push the mobile phase through with a series of pistons, and pneumatic pumps that use gas to pressurize the mobile phase. Reciprocating pumps are most common due to their good pressure generation, constant flow rate, and small footprint, but each type of pump has its pros and cons that should be weighed when purchasing. Other things to look out for when selecting a pump include the instrument’s compatibility with different solvents, low dead volume to minimize issues with solvent changeover, delivery method (either isocratic or gradient), as well as things like price, ease of use, and lifetime.
ItemLC-20AP Large-scale Solvent Delivery UnitLC-40B X3 HPLC/UHPLC PumpLC-40B XR HPLC/UHPLC PumpLC-40D X3 HPLC/UHPLC PumpLC-40D XS HPLC/UHPLC Pump
Catalog NumberLC-20APLC-40B X3LC-40B XRLC-40D X3LC-40D XS
DescriptionThe next generation LC-20AP Preparative LC Pump can be used for analytical, semi-prep and prep LC applications without changing pump heads.

The wide flow rate range (0.01 - 150mL/min) with high pressure tolerance (6,000 psi up to 100mL/min and 4,350 psi up to 150mL/min) makes it possible to use
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Boost your separation with Shimadzu's most powerful UHPLC pump. Our goal is to ensure low pulsation, gradient formation accuracy, and retention time reproducibility with our parallel dual plunger design. One LC-40BX3 can deliver two solvents for reliable high-pressure gradient separation. The design... Read MoreExperience our LC-40B XR pump, a binary, high-pressure gradient solvent delivery unit that incorporates two pumps into one compact unit, with no compromises in gradient accuracy or retention time reproducibility. The space-saving design is an ideal choice for binary gradient separations.

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Discover faster analysis, better resolution, and more reproducible chromatography with our new flagship UHPLC pump. Our industry leading LC-40D X3 pump ensures precision and accuracy at all flow rates.

  • Operable in constant flow or constant pressure mode, as well as isocratic, binary high
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Experience ultimate confidence with your resolution, sensitivity and separation with the innovative LC-40DXS UHPLC pump. The parallel dual plunger design provides the utmost in gradient accuracy and repeatability for UHPLC separations.

  • Operable in constant flow or constant pressure mode,
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TypeSeries-Type Double PlungerInquireInquireInquireInquire
Plunger Capacity250 ulInquireInquireInquireInquire
Flow Rate0.01 to 150.0 mL/min0.1 uL/min to 10 mL/min0.1 uL/min to 10 mL/min0.1 uL/min to 10 mL/min0.1 uL/min to 10 mL/min
Gradient TypeConstant-Pressure Solvent DeliveryInquireInquireInquireInquire
Number of Mixed SolventsInquireInquireInquireInquireInquire
Max. Pressure42.0 Mpa130 Mpa70 Mpa130 Mpa105 Mpa
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