Surface Area Analyzer

The greater an object’s surface area, the more capable it is of gas sorption. Surface area analyzers help researchers obtain the area or pore size of surfaces on samples as diverse as pharmaceuticals and activated carbon by measuring their gas sorption capabilities. Samples are placed in a sealed chamber and are cleaned through the application of heat, vacuum, and flowing inert gas. Once the surface is clean, adsorbate molecules are pumped into the chamber of the surface analyzer area and the degree to which the sample adsorbs the gas helps indicate the surface area. Pressures can reach 1000 torr, with temperatures exceeding 425 °C. Gases commonly used in surface area analyzers are argon, carbon dioxide, mixtures of helium and nitrogen, and krypton, among others. Good surface area analyzers incorporate the preparation stage into their capabilities, and temperature conductivity monitors to ensure even heating across the sample. The customer should seek surface area analyzers capable of testing for leaks, evacuating gas, and conducting analysis all at once.
CompanyHORIBA ScientificHORIBA Scientific
ItemSA-9600 BET Flowing Gas Surface Area AnalyzersSA-9650 Surface Area Analyzer
Catalog NumberSA-9600SA-9650
DescriptionThe SA-9600 series of surface area analyzers brings exceptional speed, convenience, and low cost-per-analysis to surface area measurement on a wide variety of materials. Now you can perform ultra-fast single or multi-point surface area measurements with push-button ease.

These tools use the
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The SA-9650 series of surface area analyzers provides convenience, remarkable measurement speed, and very low cost-per-analysis for a wide variety of materials. With the push of a button, you can now perform extremely fast single point or multi-point surface area measurements.

Perform quick
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ApplicationsComparison of Single-Point and Multi-Point Surface Area Measurements, Measuring Low Specific Surface Area Standards, Studying Metal Powder PropertiesCeramics, batteries, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, minerals, catalysts – any material which is in powder form may benefit from surface area analysis
Pressure RangeInquire0.10 to > 2000 square meters per gram
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