X-Ray Crystallography

A wide number of materials are able to form crystals – such as sodium chloride, diamonds, and nucleic acids. These crystals each can cause a beam of incident x-rays to diffract (x-ray diffraction) into distinct directions and by measuring the intensities and angles of the diffracted beam, the atomic and molecular structure of a crystal can be determined. This method is known as X-ray crystallography or XRC.

X-ray crystallography can be used to determine the length of chemical bonds, the size of atoms and has been used to determine the structure and function of numerous biological molecules, such as nucleic acids, vitamins, and proteins. Today, x-ray diffraction has applications in a variety of disciplines such as chemical, biochemical, material, physical, and pharmaceutical industries.

CompanyRigaku CorporationRigaku Corporation
ItemXtaLAB Synergy CustomXtaLAB mini™ II Benchtop X-ray Diffraction/Crystallography System
Catalog NumberXtaLABXtaLAB mini II
Detector(s)HyPix-6000HE, the large theta coverage HyPix-Arc 150° or the Dectris EIGER 4M.HyPix-Bantam two-dimensional semiconductor X-ray detector
X-Ray GeneratorMicroMax-007 HF microfocus rotating anode source or the highest-flux in-house X-ray source, the FR-X (Mo, Cu, or Cr).Standard sealed tube X-ray source running at 600 W coupled to a special curved monochromator to produce usable X-ray flux comparable to a standard X-ray diffractometer
Goniometer TypeFast kappa geometry goniometerRugged two-axis goniometer with fixed detector
DescriptionCustomized Single Crystal Diffraction System With Microfocus Rotating Anode Generator

  • Ultimate flexibility with customized X-ray system specifically tailored to the needs of your research. Dual ports allow for various combinations of crystallography and SAXS configurations. Your choice
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Benchtop small molecule structure determination

The Rigaku XtaLAB mini II benchtop X-ray crystallography system, is a compact single crystal X-ray diffractometer designed to produce publication-quality 3D structures. The perfect addition to any synthetic chemistry laboratory, the XtaLAB mini II
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