Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Instrument (SAXS Instrument)

Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) instruments are used to determine nanoparticle size distributions, pore sizes, the shape of macromolecules, and characterize distances in materials. This is performed by analyzing the elastic scattering of X-rays that travel through the sample material and recording their scattering at small angles. Typical applications include biological macromolecule, protein, and material characterization. Key considerations include temperature range, detector type, measuring time, X-ray generator, and particle size.
CompanyRigaku CorporationRigaku CorporationRigaku Corporation
ItemnanoMAXnanoPIX mini SAXS InstrumentNANOPIX SAXS/WAXS Measurement System
DescriptionThe NanoMAX system is a modernized 2D Kratky system that eliminates data corrections required of traditional Kratky systems with the added benefit of offering compactness and superb flux for samples when compared to standard pinhole systems.

  • A compact system that delivers high flux on
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Rigaku NANOPIX mini is the world’s first benchtop small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) system that is engineered to deliver automatic nanoparticle size distribution analysis for both quality control (QC) and research and development (R&D) applications. Nanoparticle size, size distribution, and ... Read MoreRigaku NANOPIX SAXS/WAXS measurement system is an X-ray scattering instrument designed for nano-structure analyses. NANOPIX can be used for both small angle scattering (SAXS) and wide angle scattering (WAXS) measurements, which makes it possible to evaluate multi-scale structures from sub-nanometer ... Read More
Detector(s)InquireD/teX Ultra2502D Hybrid Pixel Array Detector
X-Ray GeneratorInquireInquireMicrofocus rotating anode X-ray generator
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