Calypso™ Biomolecular Interaction System from Waters | Wyatt Technology

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Waters | Wyatt Technology for
Calypso™ Biomolecular Interaction System


The Calypso™ composition-gradient system and CALYPSO™ software combine with a DAWNTM or miniDAWN™ MALS instrument to characterize biomolecular interactions by CG-MALS. CG-MALS is a label-free, immobilization-free technique that measures the change in apparent molecular weight with composition and concentration in order probe protein-protein binding and other interactions. Calypso’s unique software analyzes self- and hetero-association, non-specific interactions(both attractive and repulsive), reversible and irreversible kinetics of aggregation and dissociation A comprehensive variety of interaction parameters including equilibrium dissociation constants, absolute complex stoichiometry, virial coefficients (A2) and cross-virial coefficients (A11), and reaction rates can be determined using CG-MALS.