Assay Kits

Assay kits are used to carry out analyses in a broad scope of applications including the study of targets such as drugs, molecules, disease pathways, chemical elements or compounds, and organisms. They are a routine procedure in the modern pharmaceutical, medical and forensic world as well as research and university laboratories around the globe. Assay kits come with all the necessary reagents, instructions and protocols for fast and efficient processing, allowing for repeatable results.
CompanyDeNovix Inc.DeNovix Inc.DeNovix Inc.DeNovix Inc.
ItemDeNovix Ultra High Sensitivity AssayDeNovix Broad Range dsDNA AssayDeNovix High Sensitivity dsDNA AssayDeNovix RNA Assay
  • Range: 0.5 pg/µL to 300 pg/µL dsDNA
  • Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
  • Excitation: 470 nm Emission: 514-567 nm
  • Range: 0.1 ng/µL to 2000 ng/µL (extended to 4000 ng/µL) dsDNA
  • Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
  • Excitation: 375 nm / Emission: 435-485 nm
  • Range: 5 pg/µL to 250 ng/µL dsDNA
  • Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
  • Excitation: 470 nm Emission: 514-567 nm
  • Range: 0.25 ng/µL to 1500 ng/µL RNA
  • Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
  • Excitation: 634 nm Emission: 671 nm
Detection Target0.5 pg/µL - 300 pg/µL0.1 ng/µL - 4000 ng/µL dsDNA5 pg/µL- 250 ng/µL dsDNA0.25 ng/µL - 1500 ng/µL RNA
Sample TypedsDNAdsDNAdsDNARNA
MethodFluorescent QuantificationFluorescent QuantificationFluorescent QuantificationFluorescent Quantification
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