Lab Consumables

Lab consumables include a range of supplies used in the laboratory and laboratory testing. Consumables used in the laboratory are those items that must be replaced regularly when they are used or wear down. The types of labware include glassware, plasticware and general lab supplies while the types of consumables include but not limited to tubes, strips, filters, kits, reagents, caps, tips, gloves, and more.

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ItemVerex Filter Vials for Filtration and AnalysisPhenex Syringe Filters
Catalog NumberPhenomenex-020Phenomenex-014
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DescriptionVerex Filter Vials are designed to provide simple and rapid sample preparation by incorporating a syringe, filtration membrane, vial, and cap/septa all into one product. Each filter vial is comprised of two parts: the external vial and internal plunger with an integrated filter and cap with a pre-... Read MorePhenex syringe filters are designed for efficient and rapid filtration of almost any solution prior to analysis, and are optimized for superior flow rates and high-throughput. Proper membrane and size selection are the keys to choosing the best product to maintain the integrity of your sample ... Read More
ApplicationsSample PrepSample Prep
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