Great Product for BMP-4 ELISA on Mouse Samples

Versiti Blood Research Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow



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Product Name:

Mouse BMP-4 ELISA Kit

Catalog Number:


The goal of the experiment was to determine the BMP-4 levels in WT and HLA2 KO mice. The results showed no difference between the WT and HLA2 KO samples. The first 2 rows are standards in duplicates. A tip would be to keep the kit at room temperature before use as it takes time for the wash buffer to thaw. Crystals might be present and it is advisable to thaw well before use. The procedure is easy to follow. It has longer incubation period, so total time to do the experiment could range anywhere between 5 to 7 hours depending on number of samples.

Application :

BMP-4 ELISA for mouse samples

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