Precision X-Ray Establishes European Center of Excellence in Image Guided Radiotherapy for Biological Research

Demand for micro image-guided radiotherapy systems on the rise

NORTH BRANFORD, Conn., Nov. 5, 2013Precision X-Ray Inc. (PXi), the leader in biological specimen cabinet irradiators and radiation research systems, has named Maastro Clinic, one of Europe's leading cancer centers based in Maastricht, the Netherlands, as its European Center of Excellence for biological research in micro image guided radio therapy (micro- IGRT). PXi plans to appoint additional centers across the globe in the coming months as demand continues to increase for the X-Rad 225Cx micro- IGRT system. PXi Centers of Excellence are universities and institutes that:

  • Show advanced expertise in micro IGRT and the basic sciences involved;
  • Have a highly multi-disciplinary team on site with knowledge in physics, biology, engineering and medicine
  • Train and demonstrate the proper use of these systems with cells and animals;
  • Continually work to improve and develop new capabilities for the advancement of the micro IGRT systems and software; and,
  • Significantly contribute toward the advancement of the field in general.

“Maastro Clinic continually demonstrates an exceptional level of knowledge and skill in the core areas of medical physics, dosimetry and small animal radiotherapy, said William McLaughlin, president, PXi. “This expertise has led to the development of software and new biological studies employing the Precision X-Ray X-RAD 225Cx IGRT system,” he said.

Most recently, the Maastro team has added significant value to the 225Cx system through the development of the Small Animal Radio Therapy Plan Treatment planning software (SmART-Plan) for small animal IGRT research.

“Because of this commitment to advancing the field, we are honored to appoint the Small Animal Radio Therapy Laboratory at the MAASTRO Clinic as the European Center of Excellence for Precision X-Ray Inc. in the field of biological image-guided radiotherapy research and development,” McLaughlin said.

“The application of radiotherapy (irradiation) in the fight against cancer has been very successful, but additional research is needed,” said Dr. Frank Verhaegen, Professor and Head of Clinical Physics Research, MAASTRO Clinic.

“For instance, more work is needed in dose verification imaging to assist in positioning the beam correctly in sub-optimal cases where the amount of the desired dose of radiation for the killing of the tumor would cause too much damage to the surrounding healthy tissues and organs,” he said. “The Precision X-Ray X-Rad 225Cx system in combination with the SmART-Plan software is best suited to advance the field.”

Verhaegen added that the center represents a unique opportunity for collaboration. “It’s quite rare for people from so many different fields to work together with one common goal. The center brings physicists, clinicians, engineers, mathematicians and biologists together to develop new capabilities and to show others how to use the micro-IGRT system. The feedback from multiple laboratories across Europe is critical to the future of better science and breakthroughs.”

McLaughlin added that PXi is committed to maintaining its commitment in supporting the MAASTRO Clinic in its development efforts to further improve the treatment planning software as well as to advance the capabilities and use of the PXi X-RAD 225Cx Small Animal Image Guided Irradiator system in new applications of radiobiology and radiation oncology research.

About Precision X-Ray

North Branford, CT-based Precision X-Ray (PXi) is the leader in small-animal cabinet irradiators and radiotherapy research systems worldwide. PXi provides easy-to-operate, reliable, safe and cost-effective X-ray imaging and X-ray irradiation systems for applications in translational, industrial, and pharmaceutical research. The company actively develops new applications in these markets and designs new equipment to meet customer applications needs.

Customers of Precision X-Ray include prestigious hospitals, medical schools, universities, pharmaceutical manufacturers, government and major independent research facilities around the globe. For more information, please visit or call 203.484.2011.