Physisorption Analysis

Physisorption Analysis

Physisorption Analysis: Surface Area and Porosity Determination

Physisorption is the adherence of molecules from a solid or gas adhering to the surface of a solid sample. By using physisorption analysis, one can determine surface area and porosity of the sample.

The surface area measurement is not just width times length, but takes into account the pores, ripples, and imperfections to give a true area measurement.

Applications of Physisorption Analysis

Physisorption analysis is used in quality control and research and development across various research markets, including:
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Nanotechnology
  • Metallurgy
  • Materials Science, and more.
Chemisorption/Physisorption Manometric Analyzer Surface Area and Pore Size Analyzer High Pressure Volumetric Analyzer Surface Area Analyzer

Considerations for purchasing laboratory instrumentation for Physisorption Analysis

Physisorption analyzers may use liquid or gas molecules to interact with the solid sample. Some are able to measure much smaller pores than others, and some have additional chemisorption abilities that allow for other types of surface analysis. When selecting a physisorption analyzer, these are some features to keep in mind.

Click on the links to discover and compare laboratory instrumentation for Physisorption Analysis from various manufacturers:

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