Particle Analysis / Particle Characterization

Particle Analysis / Particle Characterization

Particle Testing: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Particle characterization is the process of identifying various particles and grouping into categories by particle size, shape, surface properties, mechanical properties, charge properties, and microstructure. The nature of particle counting is based upon either light scattering, light obscuration, or direct imaging. Particles are found in powders and granules (pigments, cement, pharmaceutical ingredients, suspensions), emulsions and slurries (vaccines, milk, mining muds), aerosols and sprays (asthma inhalers, crop protection sprays).

Where is particle characterization performed?

Particle characterization is useful in industrial laboratories, pharmaceutical, academia, and research and development laboratories.

What kind of equipment is used for particle analysis?

A few of the instruments used to determine the above are porosimeters and particle counters. A porosimeter is used to determine aspects of a material's porous nature, such as pore diameter, total pore volume, surface area, and bulk and absolute densities. A particle counter detects and counts particles one at a time. Particle counters are used mostly for aerosol, liquid, and solid particle analysis.
ASAP 2020 Physisorption Analyzer Ambivalue Particle Size Analyzer Cilas 1090 Laser Particle Size Analyzer PoreMaster Series Porosimeters Rheolaser™ MASTER Microrheology & Gel Point Analyzer

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