Electronic Pipette with Good Precision and Functions but One Flaw

Emory University
Graduate Student



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Product Name:

Xplorer plus 15-300 uL

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The Xplorer plus electronic pipette for 15-300 uL is an all around useful tool. A variety of pipetting options can be selected such as dispensing fixed volumes, pipet + mix, manual, etc. It is comfortable to use for long periods of time and can fulfill many different roles. In that respect, it does everything a good electronic pipette should do. There are a few minor drawbacks, such as poor battery life and requiring use of specific Eppendorf tips (universal tips will not fit). There is one somewhat significant downside and that is dead volume when taking up volume. For example, I may want to dispense 20 uL aliquots so with a maximum volume of 300 uL, the pipet can dispense 15 times. That part is fine, but the total volume taken up will be about 320 uL with the extra 20 remaining in the tip after the final dispense. This is probably not uncommon for similar products but for this reason this pipette is most suitable when volumes are not limiting.

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