Must Have Instrument for Metallic Samples Research

Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology



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Thermo Fisher Scientific™

Product Name:

Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometer

Catalog Number:


The Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometer is an effective and powerful instrument for metallic products or sample analysis. The thing I like most about this tool is their advanced acquisition technology which is very good technology. It is very easy to use with accurate results. The processing algorithms are also good ones. The features are very productive and ensure quality as well. Analytical performance is very good in terms of limits of detection, which increases your work productivity. We use this instrument for aluminium, steel, and copper metals analysis and it helps a lot in our research work. I think you should try it once for metal sample research work if you are working in the material research department.

Application :

For Analysis of Metallic Samples

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