Bruker Moving Forward: Download Interview on Technologies and Services from American Laboratory

18 December, 2012: Bruker Chemical and Applied Markets (CAM), Fremont, California, US: In a recent interview by American Laboratory editors with Collin D’Silva and Rohan Thakur, President and Vice President of the Bruker CAM division were probed on their business strategies, technology, services and markets and the article is available for download Find out how Bruker CAM has developed its product lines, what is next on the agenda, and how this affects you as either a soda drinker or airplane traveler!

Bruker support businesses across the world with its GC instrumentation in applications such as biojet production and CO2 analysis

Over the past two years Bruker has made a strategic move to extend their capabilities into the chemical and applied markets. Through innovation and a higher R&D investment than average, Bruker has designed new instrumentation and software platforms that directly address the needs of the user. With gas chromatographers (GC) suitable for almost any application, Bruker has become a major player in the GC field. By eliminating barriers to the use of GC – for example with a 14 language user interface – their global presence is increasing. Double award winning system such as the SCION GC-MS TQ, and state-of-the-art electronic architecture has allowed Bruker to support companies worldwide in markets and applications such as food testing (pesticide residues and beverage grade CO2), renewable energy and biofuels, such as creating biojet and using beverage grade CO2 analyzers. Turnkey solutions requiring minimal user input and training mean all of these benefits are available for any laboratory undertaking routine chemical analysis in the food testing, environmental monitoring, water testing, toxicology, forensics and sports medicine markets.

“With a significant presence in over 30 countries, Bruker CAM sets the standard not only for analytical instrumentation, but software and methodology too. We continue to invest our R&D resources in the redevelopment and advancement not only of existing product lines but also new ones such as the SCION” explained Collin D’Silva. “ The introduction of our new websites such as and means our customers can match our capabilities in relation to their needs. With the pressure on analysts to ‘do more, with less, more quickly’ we have had proven success with applications such as pesticide screening”.

About Bruker Corporation

For over 50 years Bruker Daltonics has embodied innovation with integrity as demonstrated by its development of world-class scientific instruments. Bruker’s Chemical and Applied Markets (CAM) division, headquartered in Fremont, California was established in April 2010. Its formation was in response to the dynamic and ever significant separation and analysis market, providing fundamentally new instruments and solutions for customers in a range of applied industrial areas including: food testing, environmental analysis, toxicology testing, forensic analysis, quality control and pharmacokinetics. Today, Bruker’s CAM division serves all of these industry areas, pioneering the migration of technology from research to the commercial laboratory.

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Media Contacts:
Meredith Conoley
Bruker CAM Marketing Director
T: +1 (510) 683 4305
E: [email protected]