Video Game Algorithm Provides Insight into Brain Cell Molecular Behavior


Professor Frederic Meunier (left) and Dr. Tristan Wallis say the accuracy of combat video games inspired them to apply a similar algorithm to observe molecules in brain cells. Credit: The University of Queensland.

Researchers at the University of Queensland have utilized a common video game algorithm to revolutionize neuroscience research. By tracking both spatial and temporal components of brain cell activity, researchers are able to better understand how molecules control key brain functions.

Single-Molecule localization microscopy has been an emerging trend in neuroscience research, providing insights into individual molecules at the nanoscale. Thus far, however, all of the usages of SMLM have focused on fixed cell data and have lacked temporal data for live-cell analysis. In the study, published in Nature Communications, the researchers demonstrate a novel use of the R-tree spatial indexing algorithm that incorporates both spatial and temporal components to provide key metrics of cell movement. 

“Scientists use super-resolution microscopy to look into live brain cells and record how tiny molecules within them cluster to perform specific functions,” Dr. Tristan Wallis said. “Individual proteins bounce and move in a seemingly chaotic environment, but when you observe these molecules in space and time, you start to see order within the chaos. It was an exciting idea - and it worked.”

The new method developed called nanoscale spatiotemporal indexing clustering, or NASTIC, offers valuable insights into the spatiotemporal clustering of molecules. It will allow researchers to understand key metrics such as cluster lifetime, rate of formation, and recurrent clustering in cluster “hotspots”.

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