Sorghum Bran Contains More Essential Minerals and Amino Acids Than Whole Grain Counterparts


White and brown sorghum types. Credit: Janet Adeyinka Adebo et al.

Researchers at the University of Johannesburg have discovered that sorghum bran has higher levels of essential amino acids and minerals than whole grain or dehulled sorghum flour. The researchers believe that deliberate dehulling, or the reduction in bran particle size, negatively impacts the nutritional quality of the product. 

Sorghum bran contains a number of amino acids and minerals at higher concentrations than whole grain flour, including calcium, magnesium, leucine, and valine. Sorghum is commonly viewed as a climate-resistant crop that is gluten-free and contains improved micro and macronutrients than most grains produced worldwide. In the study, published in Heliyon, the researchers discovered that sorghum contained higher levels of almost all of these minerals and amino acids when compared to other whole grain or dehulled sorghum products.

“The reduction of nutrients in sorghum bran has become a matter of nutritional concern. Bran removal, or reduction in bran particle size due to milling or deliberate dehulling, affects the nutritional quality. Said Dr Janet Adebo  “There is strong scientific evidence linking regular consumption of whole grain cereal foods to long-term health benefits. The studies mostly associate this with the bran component included as part of whole grains,”

Sorghum is within the top seven grains produced worldwide thanks to its nutritional value and resilience against climate change. Specific strains of sorghum can tolerate water scarcity while others excel in waterlogged soil. Today, sorghum is commonly found as an additional ingredient in high-fiber snacks, as well as chocolate and pasta to name a few. 

The researchers believe that sorghum bran presents an excellent option as a high-fiber, nutrient-rich food product that is beneficial to gut health and the immune system. Future research is needed to develop insights into how different dehulling rates affect nutrient composition. 

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