Easy to Use MICA/MICB Antiboy for Flow Cytometry




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Product Name:

APC anti-human MICA/MICB Antibody

Catalog Number:


MICA and MICB are membrane proteins that play a role in sending activating signals to NK cells. Depending on the cell type and also the state of the cells, these proteins may be more or less expressed at the membrane. With this product, you can easily quantify this expression. However, I found that you have to slightly increase the power of the APC laser during Flow Cytometry to clearly determine the MICA/MICB expression, but this may also come from a low expression of the proteins by the cells I use. As it is the case for all the Biolegend antibodies I use, I consider this product as a 100X solution for my staining.

Application :

Flow Cytometry

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