Electrophoresis Analysis

Electrophoresis Analysis

Separation Science: Electrophoresis

Electrophoresis analysis is a method that is used to separate proteins of differing sizes and/or charges. A sample of the protein, often DNA or RNA, is placed in wells at one end of a gel. An electric current is applied that repels the proteins and causes them to move down the gel. Because size and charge control how far the sample will travel, the gel can then be used to determine the makeup of the protein. By comparing the gel with the protein spread through it to a reference or standard sample, an identification can be made. Electrophoresis analysis is used in forensics to compare DNA, in medical laboratories to do genetic testing, and in microbiology labs to identify microorganisms. In addition to analyzing proteins or DNA, electrophoresis is also used to create purified samples of proteins. Once the sample is run through the gel, the portion with the protein of interest can be removed and the protein it contains can be used for analysis or testing.

Electrophoresis Applications:

  • DNA and protein analysis
  • Forensics analysis
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Genetic testing
  • Microbial identification

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus Capillary Electrophoresis System Capillary Electrophoresis System Electrophoresis UV Transilluminators

Considerations for purchasing electrophoresis equipment

There are many factors to consider when purchasing equipment for electrophoresis analysis. Considerations include what type of gel works best for the samples that need to be analyzed, what kinds of stains and lighting are needed to see the results, and what type of software is best suited to help analyze the completed gels.

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