Spectroscopy Light Sources / Spectrometer Light Sources

Spectroscopy Light Sources /  Spectrometer Light Sources Light sources are a crucial component of spectrometers and spectrophotometers as they provide the necessary energy needed for the excitation that spectral transition require. Generally speaking, these light sources can be fluorescent, ultraviolet, near infrared (NIR), or visible light. Spectroscopy light sources can be LEDs, arc-lamps with either xenon or mercury, laser diodes or tungsten halogen lamps. These different types of light sources each are different in the range of frequency and wavelengths.

What to Consider When Purchasing a Spectrometer Light Source?

Since different light sources can vary in which wavelengths it will emit, it is important to choose the range that will be optimal for the type of sample and spectroscopy being performed as well as emission its intensity. Note, you may need more than one light source to cover the full range of spectra required for your experiments. Other things to consider are the compatibility with current instruments, power needs, and the lifetime of the light sources as well as price point.

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